Take the perspective of the student with autism. Build in many elements of visual structure to help the child understand exactly what is expected. Use visual supports to build positive routines, clarify expectations and reduce confrontational situations.
Susan Boswell, Debbie Gary
Lack of intervention by specially trained educators can extend their dependence on caregivers. Remaining untrained as they age can inhibit children's independence, limiting future habitation and employment options.
Bedwetting may sometimes be related to a sleep disorder. In most cases, it is due to the development of the child's bladder control being slower than normal. Bedwetting may also be the result of the child's tensions and emotions that require attention.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Constipation is a frequent finding in children with gastrointestinal symptoms and autism, particularly in the rectosigmoid colon, often with acquired megarectum. The absence of any correlation between the clinical history and the degree of fecal impaction in autistic children confirms the importance of an abdominal radiograph in the assessment of their degree of constipation.
History and Physical Exam, Differential Diagnosis, Patient/Caretaker Education, Clean-out, Maintenance Therapy Approaches
University of Michigan Health System
An unsuccessful treatment of night incontinence through Dry Bed training of a woman with profound mental retardation produced a possible positive generalized effect on her daily use of the toilet.
You begin the toilet training program by moving ALL your day's activities into the bathroom. Set up a table and chairs in the bathroom, everything you will need to do all the activities of the day (especially discrete trial teaching materials).
Incontinence must be proclaimed as a natural feature of human variability: ubiquitous in childhood, not uncommon through adulthood, and increasing with age. It is no more worthy of death than menstruation, another uncontrollable flow of bodily wastes that has been labeled undignified and reason enough to disqualify those whom it affects.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists treat encopresis with a combination of educational, psychological and behavioral methods. Most children with encopresis can be helped, but progress can be slow and extended treatment may be necessary.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Children on the autistic spectrum are frequently delayed in learning toileting skills. Even the most able child may have difficulties in recognising the sensations.
A successful programme: break the activity into steps and teach only one step at a time. Backward chaining can be used. Start with the last step first.
Toileting was one of the areas where children have the ultimate veto. Patience, gentle encouragement, and perseverance will in the end pay dividends. Remember, many parents find it takes quite a while.
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