This is the only autism advocacy organization dedicated to Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism through a shared vision and a commitment to positive approaches.
Provides funding for services for financially disadvantaged families who need assistance in caring for their autistic children; research and education; clearinghouse and communications center for new and innovative programs and services.
Non-profit organization dedicated to providing world class Education, Advocacy, and Support for the Autism community.
Meetup with other parents of children with autism to talk and share strategies, treatments, etc. (2nd Tuesday of every month.)
Meetings are an opportunity for parents to meet informally and to share ideas, experiences and information. New families and caregivers are always welcome. Those who wish to share or simply listen are invited to attend.
The following national agencies and organizations address various issues surrounding autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities.
Marci Wheeler, Eli Siegal
Public agencies, state Departments of Education, State Developmental Disabilities Councils, University Affiliated Programs, Protection and Advocacy Agency and Client Assistance Programs, Employment resources
Addressing the epidemic of children identified with communication and learning disorders.