In 1925 he published The Animate and the Inanimate, advancing the theory of black holes 15 years before physicists and astronomers warmed to it.
Very few of intellectual history's great minds have arrived at greatness without active encouragement and even some pushing. But it is the height of arrogance to believe that we can produce genius to order.
The explanation for the Sidis tragedy is simple. Sidis was a feral child; a true man born into a world filled with animals--a world filled with us. which week-days can be found directly for any given date whatever; and its object is, first, to provide a means by which all such week-days can be looked up in a direct, simple and easily understandable.
Contains anything you ever wanted to read by and about William James Sidis, including full-length transcripts of books, letters, family memorabilia, etc.